Welcome to the World of Aspie Mum

A mild-mannered copywriter by day, in my evenings I transform into amazing Aspie Mum.

Read on for tales of my DS (the 'Monkey') and plenty of Asperger Syndrome/ ASD news, link and more!

Sunday, 18 March 2007

Happy Mother's Day To Me

Well, here in the UK it's Mother's Day - a day for mums to be honoured and respected and well, call me a dreamer, but to be pampered as well.

Monkey made me a beautiful card at school on Friday and in a way that maybe only an Asperger's mum could appreciate, it read: "To Mum. Special Mum. Everyone would love a mum like you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

We had a bit of a fall-out this morning as we tend to on days which break from the norm. Basically, I longed for and needed a lie-in. I had flu a couple weeks ago and am left with a nasty cough which is keeping me up a bit in the night - leaving me, well, exhausted.

My first wake-up was at 3:30am at which point, I requested Monkey return to sleep. The wake up calls continued precisely every thirty minutes until 7am where he switched into hyperdrive - waking me every 15 minutes.

I had explained many times, from under the duvet, that I wasn't feeling well and that it was Mother's Day and I deserved some TLC. Instead of understanding, his response was aggressive. Sensing a situation brewing, I stumbled downstairs - unhappy and fed up. Ironically, at that point, Monkey seemed to realise that on Mother's Day, he should be making me feel special and realising his mistake, began crying. One glance at that sad, sad face made me realise that sleep depravation makes a mountain out of any molehill.

We've said our 'sorrys' now and all is better. We're off for a swim and then to Tesco so he can choose some flowers for me. I did suggest that he go with a friend's daughter to the shop so I would be surprised but he said he wanted to make sure that I liked them.

1 comment:

Paula @ acresoflearning.blogspot.com.au said...

Thanks for allowing my to view your blog. I too am an Aspie mum and have just started a blog. http://aspergermum.blogspot.com/
I am in some ways lucky to have a husband to help but in many ways this is also a hinderance.
Good luck with your hard work. You seem to be doing a great job and have a great understanding of your son. I too had a terrible Mother's day. I had a fight with my sister in law who thinks my son is attention seeking. Anyway...aren't you lucky to have that wonderful little boy!