Welcome to the World of Aspie Mum

A mild-mannered copywriter by day, in my evenings I transform into amazing Aspie Mum.

Read on for tales of my DS (the 'Monkey') and plenty of Asperger Syndrome/ ASD news, link and more!

Friday, 27 May 2011

Time flies

It's been eighteen months since my last post and so much has happened. Highs, lows and those in betweens which often help to keep me sane. We've dealt with new schools, new pets, losing a grandparent, gaining new cousins... You name it, it's probably happened. And while it isn't always smooth sailing - Asperger's or not it never is! - we got through and lived to tell the tale.

There have been some real eye openers along the way... such as a having a son who excels in secondary despite floundering in primary. While he's grown up so much and developed self management techniques, we are incredibly lucky that his school provides the structure which the Monkey needs to prosper. After some so-so SATs, he's flying in most subjects. There are some issues still with writing, but fine motor skills have always been a bit of a problem.

Friendships are still quite elusive, although looking more likely among other kids with ASDs. Monkey goes to a club for kids with Aspergers where he's nurturing some early friendships and having fun along the way. There are also some school groups which have allowed him a safe setting to forge away. We've even witnessed the first blooms of sexuality - a girl asked him to be her boyfriend. His response? "I'm very flattered, but I couldn't possibly." Wow is all I can say. We did have to have a long chat afterwards about how the girl in question received this response, but I'm pleased that he didn't feel like he had to give in to peer pressure to date. At his school it woudl seem that everyone starts early... often with life-changing results. Our town is known for its teen pregnancy problem - so I'm hoping we can steer clear of this!

I'lll endeavour to write more on here as it provides me a safe place to celebrate the highs and process the lows.

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