Welcome to the World of Aspie Mum

A mild-mannered copywriter by day, in my evenings I transform into amazing Aspie Mum.

Read on for tales of my DS (the 'Monkey') and plenty of Asperger Syndrome/ ASD news, link and more!

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Aspergers Syndrome and Puberty

So Monkey's on the cusp of puberty and I have to admit it's been the time of his life that I've dreaded since he was first diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome. I've been doing some research into this period of a kid's life and it's looking challenging - AS or not.

At the moment it feels - from time to time - as though I'm losing his attention. There's an increase in aggression that's been happening steadily. It's been so gradual it would be easy not to notice, but I do try to track all of these things so I can keep on top of behaviour. I think the most shocking discovery is that Sam's 'recovery' time after an episode is much, much shorter. Oh, and while he's had zero tolerance for his peers, often preferring younger kids to play with - he now has zero tolerance for 99 percent of kids.

What's a mum to do? Especially when the real challenges lay ahead of me. After all he'll be physically bigger very soon. From the growth charts it looks like that will be in a couple of years. I'm only 5 foot 5, and he's approximately 5 inches shorter than me at the moment... so it could be quicker than that! We currently share the same shoe size already (an 8!)

We're meeting with the consultant on Wednesday to discuss Monkey's transition to secondary school... so hopefully I'll come home with a bit more knowledge on how to handle this tricky stage in any kid's life.

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